Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shakira's Boob Power

Some peeps' gravitas can be found in their heads, or even perhaps their legs. For Shakira, it's her jugglies that wield the greatest authority. Or her booby carriers, to be more precise. We recently brought you news of Shakira auctioning off her 2007 Oral Fixation tour wardrobe on eBay's Giving Work website.

Well, the bidding jungle is now well under way, with one suggestible fan shelling out a whooping £1,500 for Shakira's bra. You wouldn't catch us forking out that kinda money for a bosom holder, or even a more tempting item come to that - say, Brad Pitt's underpants?

Anyway, we digress. Shakira, who famously sang the words, "lucky that my breasts are small and humble, so you don't confuse them with mountains", has now discovered her rack ain't so retiring after all. Its money-swilling power says it all. Still, everything goes to a good cause.

The Shakira auction, in aid of her Bare Feet Foundation which aims to build a school in her native Columbia, has so far raised £30,700. It's due to end this Sunday, with guitars among the items still up for bidding.

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